Well-lit has grown almost entirely by word of mouth and now supplies some of the most prestigious retailers and brands in the world, and even royalty, with its ethically made superior lighting.

In 2018 well-lit was a finalist for ‘Ethical Product of the Decade’ in the Observer Ethical awards.

Ethically Produced
Founded in 2013, the aim was to provide an alternative to the mass produced, unethically made and poor performing products that dominated the market.
In his time working as a sourcing agent in Asia, well-lit co-founder Chris Stimson witnessed incredibly unsafe working environments, zero health and safety, people working very long hours in incredibly hot environments, unacceptable living conditions for migrant workers, and bosses who didn’t treat their employees as human beings.
Once he realised he was part of the problem, he and his co-founder Bujar Shkodra designed a company from scratch to right these wrongs and offer an alternative.

Award Wining British Company
Well-lit is an award-winning Yorkshire based company who design and manufacture the most advanced and ethically made LED filament lamps and lighting fixtures on the planet.