Organic, unbleached cotton, compostable cloth, recycled plastics, ceramics and ethically-sourced cork; we only take what the planet's happy to give us, and in turn we give back by creating cleverly-designed things for your home.
We love that so many of you care about what you buy and where it comes from. Equally, we know it matters to you that the same things are as important to us, that we also take great care about the impacts of what we do.
LIGA is our business and how we make our living, but it's also our family, who we are, how we live and what we believe in.

Those beautiful things are affordable, innovative and inspired by a natural world we're committed to protect.

How it all began
LIGA (pronounced Leega) came about when Jennie was on the hunt for great eco-friendly products that were useful, practical and affordable. She really struggled to find what she was looking for both in the UK and on overseas buying trips, so she decided to design her own collection, which launched in January 2017

Kind to our planet
Since LIGA was born, we have strived to only use materials that are kind to our planet. We have grown considerably in the last year, selling to shops around the world and we are committed to our business meeting tough sustainability standards that are verified by independent third parties.